Quarterly HR Professionals Cohort Explores Topic of Training & Development

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 31 HR professionals from the Greater Dubuque region gathered for our quarterly HR Professionals Cohort meeting to delve into the topic of training and development. The interactive session featured a playful activity and lively discussion aimed at fostering peer-to-peer learning and networking. 

The meeting kicked off with tabletop discussions. Participants were divided into eight groups, each receiving one of eight questions related to training and development which they discussed in small groups before reporting out. Discussion points included topics such as preferred learning methods and their effectiveness, challenges encountered during training programs and strategies to overcome them, and the importance of ongoing professional development and available growth opportunities.

Participants were then again assigned to one of eight groups, each tasked with building a Lego model under different conditions to simulate workplace challenges. The activity was designed to test teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability under various barriers. Different groups faced distinct challenges that ranged from time constraints, team member reassignments, incomplete or incorrect instructions, missing pieces, and hands-on or hands-off support from the meeting facilitators. 

Following the Lego building exercise, participants regrouped to discuss how each team handled their specific hurdles and wrapped up the meeting by reflecting on what they had learned. Key take aways included:

  • Importance of clear instructions and effective communication to achieve goals
  • May need to adapt training needs based on individual learning styles
  • Importance of positive feedback and encouragement for employee morale & productivity

This event provided HR professionals with insights into the challenges and best practices in training and development, highlighting the importance of adaptability, clear communication, and supportive environments in fostering professional growth and team success. Our appreciation to Jennifer Mond, Director of Organizational Development at HODGE, who helped to plan and facilitate the session.

Save the date now for our next HR Professionals Cohort which will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. at the Northeast Iowa Community College Town Clock Business Center, 680 Main Street in downtown Dubuque. A topic will be announced and registration will open with our next Workforce Solutions Monthly newsletter.

Participation in the quarterly HR Professionals Cohort is open to all Workforce Solutions Investors. For questions about this networking group or to lean more about becoming a Workforce Solutions Investor, contact Mandi Dolson, Director of Workforce Recruitment & Retention at mandid@greaterdubuque.org or 563-557-9049.