Is Your Company Profile Up to Date?

When was the last time you reviewed your company profile page on make sure all of your information is accurate and up to date? As an investor in our Workforce Solutions, control of your company profile is at your fingertips. Your admin users can login any time to refresh your company description, update company contact information, and add or remove contacts and admin users.

Follow Our Step-By-Step Guide to Refresh Your Company Profile Today

Log into your Employer Account:

  • Navigate to “My Account” in the upper right at
  • Enter your email address and password and click the blue “Log In” Button
  • Locate the “For Employers” header in the top navigation, click and select “Manage Companies” from the drop down. Your company will appear in the list of ‘Companies You Manage’.

To update your Company Description:

  • From the “Companies You Manage” window, click on the “Edit Company Info” button.
  • A “Company Details Form” will appear. Here you will be able to edit various company details including:
    • Company Name
    • Company Description
      • You can copy and paste text into this text box. Formatting from Word documents may copy and paste with the text, adjusting how the text appears on screen. To remove all inherit formatting after pasting, highlight the text, and click on the “Clear Formatting” button.
      • Try out other formatting tools, media insert options, and editing options in the text box tool bar to make your description standout.
    • Company Logo
    • Various Address Information
  • After adjusting any of the details above, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Submit” button to save your changes.

To Add or Remove Locations:

  • From the “Companies You Manage” window, click on “Edit Company Info” button.
  • Scroll down to the “Locations” section of your company admin page.
  • In this section, you will want to list any locations, in addition to your primary business location, that you’ll want to connect to job postings, internship opportunities, or career fairs. You will have the ability to identify your primary, or default, location to appear on your profile versus other locations that will be available to connect to postings you create on the site.

Adding a Location:

  • Locate the last set of empty fields. This set will feature a large ‘Add’ button.

  • Enter all address information in the empty fields.
  • If this location is the primary address to appear on your company, select ‘Yes’ from the ‘Is Default’ dropdown. If this is not your primary address but one you’d use with job postings, etc, ‘No’ should be selected from the ‘Is Default’ dropdown.
  • Click the large “Add” button.
  • After adjusting any of the details above, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Submit” button to save your changes.

Removing a Location:

  • Simple click the large “Remove” button above any of the locations on your account.
  • You’ll be prompted “Are you sure you want to remove this address?” If so, click “OK”. If not, click “Cancel”.

Adding a Contact or Admin User

Firstly, you might be wondering what the difference between a contact and an admin user is?

A contact is someone who you’d like the job seeker to contact if they have questions about a specific job.  This could be a hiring manager, a recruiter, or perhaps a general company email address. A contact will not have access to post jobs, review candidates in the resume bank, or update company information.

An admin user has admin rights to your company profile and will have access to post jobs, review candidates in the resume bank, and update company information. Admin user information is not viewable to the public. If the contact information for an admin users needs to appear on your company profile, they also need to be added as a contact.


Add a Contact

  • From the “Companies You Manage” window, click on “Edit Company Info” button
  • Scroll down to the “Contacts” section of this for your company admin page.

Locate the last set of empty fields. This set will feature a large ‘Add’ button.

  • Enter any contact information in the empty fields.
  • Adjust the dropdowns for each contact accordingly:
    • Active: This dropdown will automatically change to “Yes” when you click the “ADD” button
    • Include on Applicant Emails: Select “Yes” from the dropdown if this contact should receive applications submitted to your job postings. Leave as “No” if they should not receive applications.
    • Is Default Contact: Select “Yes” from the dropdown if this contact will be automatically be the contact for all future job postings unless another contact is selected. Leave as “No” if contact will vary across job postings.
  • Click the large “Add” button.
  • After adjusting any of the details above, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Submit” button to save your changes.

Add an Admin User

  • From the “Companies You Manage” window, click on “Edit Company Info” button 
  • Scroll down to the “Admin Users” section of this for your company admin page.
  • Under all current Admin Users listed, enter the email address of the new admin user and click the “Add” button.
  • The new Admin User will appear in the list above.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom and select the blue “Submit” button to save your changes.
  • If the admin user does not have an existing account, they will receive an email prompting them create a password. 
    • *Please note that this email may be filtered into spam or junk. Please review those folders before contacting us for assistance.