Business Leaders Advocate for the Future of Regional Air Service

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, leaders from the Greater Dubuque regional business community gathered at the Dubuque Regional Airport for a pivotal meeting centered on the future of air service in our region. Co-hosted by the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, the event featured presentations to Congressional staff members from Iowa’s federal delegation, highlighting the critical importance of restoring, sustaining, and enhancing daily commercial air service to Dubuque.

The morning began with a warm welcome from Todd Dalsing, followed by updates from Chamber President Molly Grover and Greater Dubuque Development Corporation Vice President of Business Services, Jason White. Both leaders emphasized that reliable air service is not just a convenience but an economic imperative for our community. With numerous business leaders in attendance, the collective voice of the regional business community was clear: maintaining robust air connectivity is essential to future growth and success of the Greater Dubuque region.

Following the presentations, attendees toured key airport facilities, including ongoing airfield projects and the Babka Flight Center. The tour provided insights into the infrastructure improvements that are vital to supporting the return of commercial flights and enhancing Dubuque’s position as a regional hub.

The event underscored Greater Dubuque Development Corporation’s commitment to advocating for the region’s economic interests. By actively participating in initiatives like DBQ Air, Greater Dubuque Development Corporation is working tirelessly to ensure that regional air service needs are met, reinforcing our region's competitiveness in attracting businesses, talent, and tourism.

As we continue to advocate for the return of commercial air service at the Dubuque Regional Airport, the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation remains dedicated to fostering the partnerships necessary to achieve these goals. We extend our gratitude to the business leaders who participated in this important meeting and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to secure a bright future for regional air service.