2024 Laborshed Area Study Now Available for Download

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The latest Dubuque Laborshed Study, released this past week by Iowa Workforce Development, offers a comprehensive analysis of the workforce dynamics within the Greater Dubuque region. This study, focusing on major employers in Dubuque, tracks the residential zip codes of their employees and conducts extensive outreach to create a detailed picture of the workforce's characteristics. 

A significant finding reveals that 32.8% of the working-age population within a 50-mile radius of Dubuque, equating to nearly 39,457 individuals, are open to changing or accepting employment within the city of Dubuque. This data is pivotal for businesses and policymakers aiming to understand and attract talent to Dubuque, bolstering its role as the region’s employment center.

One of the critical aspects highlighted in the study is the pull factors for potential employees. The survey indicates that the expected median hourly wage by these workers aligns closely with the current or former wages paid across various industries, suggesting reasonable wage expectations. Additionally, the study sheds light on the benefits most desired by workers, ranking vacation, retirement, and health insurance as top priorities. These preferences closely match the benefits currently received, with paid sick leave being a slight variation in priority.

To delve deeper into these findings and explore the wealth of data available, we encourage you to view the full results on the interactive map online. This resource allows you to compare laborshed areas across the state and to filter data by topic and area to uncover more nuanced insights that can inform your workforce strategies and decisions. The executive summary of the Dubuque Laborshed Area findings is available for download as well.

For more information on the Dubuque Laborshed Study, contact Nic Hockenberry, Director of Workforce Programming for Greater Dubuque Development at 563-557-9049 or nicolash@greaterdubuque.org.